
ELEMENT C GmbH Aberlestr. 18 81371 Munich / Germany t 089.720 137 – 0 f 089.720 137 – 10 e

Authorized Managing Directors

Martina Hausel, Christoph Hausel

Court of Registration

Amtsgericht München

Registry Number

HRB 177861  


The information made available by ELEMENT C on its websites is subject to continuous control and is continually updated. However, it is possible that the validity of the data may be overtaken by the course of events. For this reason, ELEMENT C provides no liability, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information contained in its websites. This also includes all websites which can be accessed from the ELEMENT C website via hyperlinks. Similarly, we assume no liability for information on third party websites that provide links to ELEMENT C.